Graduation is Approaching: Here is the Ultimate Guide for College Seniors
The snow has melted and cap and gown orders are in. It’s official, graduation is almost here. It is easy to get overwhelmed, especially while juggling classes, writing a thesis or capstone project, and embarking on the job searching process. Beyond TalentEdge has created this guide to help ease the process.
Do Your Research: Whether you know exactly what your next step is or you are completely uncertain, brainstorm and research career paths that interest you. This includes specific industries, companies, or even a location. This step can allow you to see a clearer picture of where you want to go and you will gain knowledge that will set you up for success during interviews.
Leverage your LinkedIn Profile: This platform is a great way to find potential job opportunities. Make sure you have updated your resume to highlight your skills and certifications. Another benefit of your LinkedIn profile? You can find professionals in various industries to connect with. This is an incredible way to emphasize your brand. Do you have a portfolio? Showcase it on your page. Are you proud of a project you developed in school or in your free time? Tell your connections all about it!
Hone Your Interview Skills: The interviewing process looks different after a pandemic and the consequential rise of virtual interviews. One thing, however, remains the same. Storytelling is paramount when it comes to communicating what you want to accomplish and recruiters will certainly take note of it.
Recruiters Are There For You: There seems to be a misconception that recruiters or interviewers are out to get you, when in reality they want to help you crush the interview process. Go into the job search with an open mind and ask the recruiter all your questions. They are an incredible resource and they are cheering on you.
Don’t Panic: For a lot of graduates, the job search process will continue after the tassels have been turned. Take the time to find a balance between researching and applying to employment opportunities and taking care of your well being.